How to Write a Follow Up Email After Info Session

Here are 6 Follow-Up Emails to Use After a Meeting in 2021:

1. Follow-up Email After a Meeting

If you just finished a meeting with a prospective buyer who is a good match for your company's services, it's time to keep up the momentum of this meeting with a follow-up.

Sending a follow-up email that recaps the conversation and proves useful to your prospective customer is a great way to keep the relationship moving forward. Here's an example:

Sample Follow-up Email:

Hi {{Prospect Name}}

It was great meeting you today. I really enjoyed learning more about {{Prospect company}} and your goals for this year.

We've worked with quite a few companies that have encountered {{specific challenge}}, so I understand how difficult it could be to {{whatever the challenge stops them from doing}}.

Here's a case study on how we've helped a previous client overcome the same challenge before – I thought it might be helpful for you to see how another company in the {{industry}} solved it.

I also thought I'd recap a few important points from our meeting today, let me know if I missed out on anything.

Your key priorities (2-3 goals)

Parameters for success (2-3 benchmarks)

How {{your offering}} can help (address the above-mentioned pain-points)

Please let me know if you have any questions again, happy to help always! Looking forward to catching up with you again on {{predetermined meeting day/time}}, for another round of discussion.

Best, {{Name}}

"How to Write a Follow-up Email After No Response (With Sample Emails)" was shared by

2. After a Conference or Event

After meeting someone at a conference or event, your follow-up email should remind them of who you are and demonstrate the value that you bring to the table.


Hi {{First Name}},

So glad we got to meet at {{event}}. I checked out your website afterward and loved your take on creating high-performance teams. Have you tried using the {{recommendation?}} I use that framework with my team and it has been incredibly successful.

Happy to chat more about it or send over some templates and examples if you're interested.

Again, it was great meeting you at {{Name of Networking Event}}, and I hope to see you again soon.


"14 Templates for Follow Up Emails After a Meeting, Conference, and More" from shared this template.

3. The "Nice to Meet You" Follow-Up Email

When you have a mutual conversation with a stranger, it's safe to assume they'll welcome an email from you. So how do you write the "nice to meet you" email?

For a fast follow up, plug this information into a pre-set follow up email template:
• How you met, refreshes their memory.
• A takeaway from your conversation, shows you were listening.
• Your ask, keeps the ball moving.

Here's how to roll it all together:

Subject Line: Great to meet you at {!Event}

Hi {!First Name},

It was nice to meet you at {!Occasion where you met}. I loved learning more about {!Something discussed}. I'm really interested to hear more about your role as {!Job title} at {!Company name}, as {!Reason why you're interested}.

If you have time in the coming weeks, let's {!Follow up action}. I'm generally free on {!Days of the week}, if that works for you?

Looking forward to keeping in touch!

This follow up email to use after a meeting came from's "15 Follow-Up Email Template Samples [Updated 2021]."

4. Immediately Following Up After a Meeting

If you've met someone for the first time, like at a networking event, at a conference, or via a different contact in your network, it's important to follow up with them immediately.

Not only will this reinforce your connection, it will also give them an immediate opportunity to respond to your offer.


Subject Line: [Great to meet you!]

Hi [name],

It was great meeting you! I just wanted to send you a quick follow-up with my contact information. I hope we can meet again soon.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about (subject), just shoot me a message and I'll get back to you right away.


Jayson DeMers shared this follow up email on's "21 Sales Email Follow Up Templates That Work."

5. Thank You Follow Up Email

Saying "Thank you" is usually a given in follow-up emails, so why even mention it?

Simple: Because gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to make a connection.

That, and because there are two ways of communicating thanks: One is just saying it, the other is meaning it.


"Hi Sachin,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today, I really learned a lot from your suggestions. I enjoyed our meeting very much and look forward to meeting you again.

Cheers, Patrick"

"How To Write a Great Follow-up Email After a Meeting" was shared by

6. Follow Up Email After Meeting a Potential Employer

Have you met someone you'd just love to work with?

Use your follow up email as an opportunity to provide value for a potential employer. If you have any ideas that can benefit their company, please share them in your email.

This is a great way to deepen your connection with a recipient and show how you can help them. You can also mention your relevant experience in the industry, but keep it short. This is not your CV so avoid listing all your skills and projects there.


Subject: Thanks for the meeting! I'd love to contribute to your website

Hi [Name],

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. It was great to learn more about your news media [Website name]. I especially enjoyed your recent piece on EdTech startups and shared it with my connections in this industry.

I remember you mentioned looking for reporters, and I'd love to contribute to your website. I've been writing about privacy and data protection for 5 years, and my articles appeared in [Media names]. Here is the list of my best texts: [link].

I have a few article ideas for [Website name], and I'd love to discuss them with you. Would you like to meet at the end of the week?


[Your name] shared "Follow Up Email After Meeting: Writing Tips and Templates."

How Will You Use These Follow-Up Emails After a Meeting in 2021?

Follow-Up Email Tip: Before sending a follow up email, be sure you have the correct B2B lead generating and sales prospecting tool to find email addresses, direct dial phone numbers, and even cell or mobile phone numbers for the decision makers you are targeting for your outreach.

Swordfish AI provides the most accurate B2B and B2C contact information, including cell phone numbers and email addresses of executives, managers, and key decision-makers. Try Swordfish AI now.

Cover Image Licensed from: / Leung Cho Pan.

How to Write a Follow Up Email After Info Session


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