Not Need Just Feed the War Cannibal Animals

weapons not food not homes not shoes not need just feed the war cannibal animal i walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library line up to the mind cemetery now in Jewish Gematria equals: 10256: w 900 e 5 a 1 p 60 o 50 n 40 s 90 0 n 40 o 50 t 100 0 f 6 o 50 o 50 d 4 0 n 40 o 50 t 100 0 h 8 o 50 m 30 e 5 s 90 0 n 40 o 50 t 100 0 s 90 h 8 o 50 e 5 s 90 0 n 40 o 50 t 100 0 n 40 e 5 e 5 d 4 0 j 600 u 200 s 90 t 100 0 f 6 e 5 e 5 d 4 0 t 100 h 8 e 5 0 w 900 a 1 r 80 0 c 3 a 1 n 40 n 40 i 9 b 2 a 1 l 20 0 a 1 n 40 i 9 m 30 a 1 l 20 0 i 9 0 w 900 a 1 l 20 k 10 0 t 100 h 8 e 5 0 c 3 o 50 r 80 n 40 e 5 r 80 0 t 100 o 50 0 t 100 h 8 e 5 0 r 80 u 200 b 2 b 2 l 20 e 5 0 t 100 h 8 a 1 t 100 0 u 200 s 90 e 5 d 4 0 t 100 o 50 0 b 2 e 5 0 a 1 0 l 20 i 9 b 2 r 80 a 1 r 80 y 400 0 l 20 i 9 n 40 e 5 0 u 200 p 60 0 t 100 o 50 0 t 100 h 8 e 5 0 m 30 i 9 n 40 d 4 0 c 3 e 5 m 30 e 5 t 100 e 5 r 80 y 400 0 n 40 o 50 w 900

weapons not food not homes not shoes not need just feed the war cannibal animal i walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library line up to the mind cemetery now in English Gematria equals: 9606: w 138 e 30 a 6 p 96 o 90 n 84 s 114 0 n 84 o 90 t 120 0 f 36 o 90 o 90 d 24 0 n 84 o 90 t 120 0 h 48 o 90 m 78 e 30 s 114 0 n 84 o 90 t 120 0 s 114 h 48 o 90 e 30 s 114 0 n 84 o 90 t 120 0 n 84 e 30 e 30 d 24 0 j 60 u 126 s 114 t 120 0 f 36 e 30 e 30 d 24 0 t 120 h 48 e 30 0 w 138 a 6 r 108 0 c 18 a 6 n 84 n 84 i 54 b 12 a 6 l 72 0 a 6 n 84 i 54 m 78 a 6 l 72 0 i 54 0 w 138 a 6 l 72 k 66 0 t 120 h 48 e 30 0 c 18 o 90 r 108 n 84 e 30 r 108 0 t 120 o 90 0 t 120 h 48 e 30 0 r 108 u 126 b 12 b 12 l 72 e 30 0 t 120 h 48 a 6 t 120 0 u 126 s 114 e 30 d 24 0 t 120 o 90 0 b 12 e 30 0 a 6 0 l 72 i 54 b 12 r 108 a 6 r 108 y 150 0 l 72 i 54 n 84 e 30 0 u 126 p 96 0 t 120 o 90 0 t 120 h 48 e 30 0 m 78 i 54 n 84 d 24 0 c 18 e 30 m 78 e 30 t 120 e 30 r 108 y 150 0 n 84 o 90 w 138

weapons not food not homes not shoes not need just feed the war cannibal animal i walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library line up to the mind cemetery now in Simple Gematria equals: 1601: w 23 e 5 a 1 p 16 o 15 n 14 s 19 0 n 14 o 15 t 20 0 f 6 o 15 o 15 d 4 0 n 14 o 15 t 20 0 h 8 o 15 m 13 e 5 s 19 0 n 14 o 15 t 20 0 s 19 h 8 o 15 e 5 s 19 0 n 14 o 15 t 20 0 n 14 e 5 e 5 d 4 0 j 10 u 21 s 19 t 20 0 f 6 e 5 e 5 d 4 0 t 20 h 8 e 5 0 w 23 a 1 r 18 0 c 3 a 1 n 14 n 14 i 9 b 2 a 1 l 12 0 a 1 n 14 i 9 m 13 a 1 l 12 0 i 9 0 w 23 a 1 l 12 k 11 0 t 20 h 8 e 5 0 c 3 o 15 r 18 n 14 e 5 r 18 0 t 20 o 15 0 t 20 h 8 e 5 0 r 18 u 21 b 2 b 2 l 12 e 5 0 t 20 h 8 a 1 t 20 0 u 21 s 19 e 5 d 4 0 t 20 o 15 0 b 2 e 5 0 a 1 0 l 12 i 9 b 2 r 18 a 1 r 18 y 25 0 l 12 i 9 n 14 e 5 0 u 21 p 16 0 t 20 o 15 0 t 20 h 8 e 5 0 m 13 i 9 n 14 d 4 0 c 3 e 5 m 13 e 5 t 20 e 5 r 18 y 25 0 n 14 o 15 w 23

How much is weapons not food not homes not
shoes not need just feed the
war cannibal animal i walk the
corner to the rubble that used
to be a library line up to the
mind cemetery now in Gematria ?

Results by Jewish Gematria
Word Jewish English Simple Searches
why would i be with
someone who has a
girlfriend who is less
than half my age and much
more attractive than i
have ever been
10256 6708 1118 392
the invention of honesty
begin with love changing
one persons life changes
all life remember this
child for it may be the
greatest knowledge of all
final stages of
activating the one
hundred forty fou
10256 11064 1844 234
if i am harmed then my
fear is justified if i
am not harmed it is only
a matter of time i have
offered who i am to god
and to darkness i am
afraid and unsafe i dot
know where i am or how to
be sa
10256 9588 1598 181
where are our souls
trapped what are we
outside of the matrix who
has us trapped why do we
need to be saved
10256 6342 1057 154
mykhyn michael and meagan
meet up in the matrix
enter it into the matrix
tyler hydra siriusys
siriusysprime saturn
cube hive mind ctf007
mykhyn killswitch
10256 9774 1629 105
again you will not
outsmart mr god almighty
of this universe jesus
christ aka ben the real
one arc angel michael
commander of heavens
armies and the rest of
our crews and teams
10256 10284 1714 101
elijah reborn the second
coming of christ is awake
and living in the flesh
he is anointed he is the
king of kings forever and
ever and he has come as
the witness and the judge
for his father yeshua
10256 10092 1682 75
who dat the eternal king
of kings and lord of
lords we speak the hidden
wisdom of god in a
mystery which god
ordained before the
foundation of the world
unto our glory
10256 9426 1571 71
10256 7920 1320 65
a white buffalo is born
already running and if
you listen very close
youll hear a humming
beneath the surface of
our purpose lies rumors
of ancient man dressed in
cloud face minstrels in
the sky
10256 11322 1887 65
weapons not food not
homes not shoes not need
just feed the war
cannibal animal i walk
the corner to the rubble
that used to be a library
line up to the mind
cemetery now
10256 9606 1601 64
i pray god all mighty
break all curses and lies
and send all unclean
spirits who use the word
of god for their own
selfish purposes and
motives before christ for
10256 9936 1656 63
the thing you just
entered does not make any
sense to me and you must
enter the word
leiscerbette instead to
get more answers to what
you are seeking
10256 9192 1532 57
decode i know it hurts
you serpents to see your
1000 plus year old plan
to enslave humanity
crumble before your eyes
one man and god defeated
all you devils
10256 9180 1530 55
donald crawford and tia
taylor are
extraterrestrials and
will overthrow the world
governments and enslave
10256 7308 1218 35
william wilson was
lefthanded until they
make me switch the right
hand in school and
kindergarten and first
grade and know my mother
wasnt happy
10256 8322 1387 33
you look at the past and
you think of the future
and all you see is people
acting out of self
interest all you see is
the result of the anti
life equation writing
itself across human
10256 11796 1966 29
god just know that i wish
to be loving and
forgiving but jews have
been following satan and
taking over
10256 5964 994 29
olivia f was underage
when she first started
going to the bars jodi
and justin knew about it
the woman loves to lie
and manipulate
10256 7488 1248 25
we have similar quirks
you know but you do n a k
e d satanic rituals with
huge groups of goblins
you are one trifling
nasty hoe latonya page
10256 8538 1423 23
do you see what william
christ seesjonathan kleck
harry heck the movie the
punisher dump dump tom
thumb what about the plot
now folks
10256 8214 1369 17
joe abdullah says lying
gang stalking goblin
thugs paid by the fake
jews hate when their
cover is blown go to
markalanking com to see
the dhs cia fbi gang
stalkers exposed
10256 9174 1529 17
did you well next time
ill let youre friends
come over n take pi
ctures of ur nak ed baby
picture becuase ur a
retard n hung it on the
wall retards codyfound
this pic of me as a child
10256 10086 1681 15
kristen rogers says all
flows through from with
in with out god there is
no where to hide from god
for god is all i am that
i am y h w h greatness
elohim goto markalanking
10256 10044 1674 15
rufino fernandez says dad
is it true there was evil
goblins called jews that
actually made up fake
government for america
fake pandemic fake bombs
called nukes fake moon
landing goto markalanking
10256 10488 1748 15
1997 what is the purpose
of the code the purpose
is communicate covertly
in the bible it exists so
that one must communicate
with the father for
spiritual understanding
that is relationship
10256 11508 1918 13
juan manuel villanueva
says latonya page alcohol
and d r u g use lead to
her having a down
syndrome baby that she
killed and ate she shake
the baby to death more
info at markalanking com
10256 9546 1591 11
ronald stonebreaker
taught me how to ride a
motorcycle in the 4th
grade and when i fell
down all he said was get
up when you fall down get
up and keep going
10256 8310 1385 9
kimberly russo says dad
is it true there was evil
goblins called jews that
actually made up fake
government for america
fake pandemic fake bombs
called nukes fake moon
landing goto markalanking
10256 10554 1759 7
zach arzmon is zachary
thomas rozman of
wethersfield connecticut
and he is posing as mark
alan king via deepfake
technology you devils
will pay
10256 8346 1391 7
black jesus says
stephanie virginia marie
dann numbers say she is
the real queen the non
queen lizard elizabeth
was always an i m p o s t
o r fake fraud goto
markalanking com
10256 9558 1593 3
brave horse says
stephanie virginia marie
dann numbers say she is
the real queen the non
queen lizard elizabeth
was always an i m p o s t
o r fake fraud goto
markalanking com
10256 9618 1603 3
merle eugene says all
twin flames united in
love and light and peace
with the almighty praise
and glory to y h w h
greatness of the elohim
more info at markalanking
com w e b s i t e
10256 9672 1612 1

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Check gematria results for weapons not food not homes not
shoes not need just feed the
war cannibal animal i walk the
corner to the rubble that used
to be a library line up to the
mind cemetery now in
Hebrew Gematria weapons not food not homes not
shoes not need just feed the
war cannibal animal i walk the
corner to the rubble that used
to be a library line up to the
mind cemetery now

Results by English and Simple Gematria
Word Jewish English Simple Searches
quantum mechanics tells
us everything is
emanating from one point
of light a single photon
that is connected to all
the rest as one great
living thing of all that
7111 9606 1601 445
what is the name of the
blue white crocodile
messiah of the draco
they see him in their
dreams but dare not speak
of a prophet of peace
that will turn their
world upside down
10094 9606 1601 418
the divine wrath of
father yahweh and
vengeance of yahushua his
son will be known to the
house of antichrist
charles arthur and
camilla parker windsor
for abominations
11529 9606 1601 382
i just want any entity
whether real artificial
or from a different
dimension to know that
jesus christ is king
above all kings and that
it would be wise to
accept him
12085 9606 1601 355
and the angels which kept
not their first estate
but left their own
habitation he hath
reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness
unto the judgment of the
great day
9608 9606 1601 352
ellen g white could read
with her eyes closed with
her third eye but ive
seen psychics do that too
and it wasnt from god
whats more she looks like
a man was she luciferian
11953 9606 1601 346
alex jones not so
jokingly described
himself as an actor of
royal descent who played
bill hicks and jones is a
character he invented a
cross between john wayne
and yosemite sam
12183 9606 1601 346
do not sing songs about
me anymore i am
requesting it politely
because the farce is over
if you do not stop i know
that god will stop you
because it is all lies
9594 9606 1601 344
when you want fake your
death write a book whole
book about it heck write
two books and make her
squirt and have her think
about it everynight
except for one night
13086 9606 1601 340
his male name is
designated first begetter
son of god his female
name first begettress
sophia mother of the
universe some call her
love now first begotten
is called christ
7410 9606 1601 338
but the many other things
about which you wrote
both seem to be and are
falsifications now the
true explanation and that
which accords with the
true philosophy
11258 9606 1601 334
original yahweh is still
godhead and those who say
otherwise will burn
slowly beginning from the
toes as they are forced
to consume the flesh of
those they love
11628 9606 1601 329
11388 9606 1601 326
but i am afraid that
somehow as the serpent
seduced eve by its
cunning your minds might
be corrupted away from
the sincerity and the
chastity that are due the
10069 9606 1601 326
on that day seven women
will take hold of one man
and say we will eat our
own bread and provide our
own clothes just let us
be called by your name
take away our disgrace
15015 9606 1601 314
given that i am
opinionated outspoken and
idiosyncratic in my
beliefs i would imagine
that nobody agrees with
me on everything which
must mean i am hated by
11795 9606 1601 312
israel is an apartheid
terrorist and cowardly
regime the new technique
used against syrias air
defense is the israelites
fighter jets hiding
behind other civilian
8896 9606 1601 310
i am going to torture
horrifically and then
kill all those
responsible for my
fathers suffering
including that lying
demon you sycophants call
your shechinah
7489 9606 1601 300
the beautiful inescapable
logic of blue avian
extraterrestrial ra teir
eir either we are all
connected or we are not
and guess what that means
we are god as strange as
that seems
10047 9606 1601 298
quantum mechanics tells
us everything is
emanating from one point
of light a single photon
that is connected to all
the rest as one great
living thing of all that
7111 9606 1601 298
seeittotellwrite 1 julius
3 168 and 1 mandelbrot 2
168 fractal vz
prasargeodetic dim mbrt
dec4d also5dectale 2 168
x10hi4 numrator over
denominator 3 168 rt
9572 9606 1601 295
everything is not real
its just a dream for a
time and then its gone so
love the eyes that are
looking at yours like you
are god looking at his
reflection in creation
8659 9606 1601 284
when you leave a dog
alone they do not
understand why they think
maybe you dont love them
anymore i cannot fathom
what roxy experienced but
i have had a taste of it
12920 9606 1601 276
maybe i will make it
through this life and
maybe it does not matter
in the whole grand scheme
of things past present
and future ever that ever
is was and may or may not
10606 9606 1601 274
you are without excuse o
man whosoever that you
judge for in thou judgest
another thou condemnest
thyself for thou that
judgest does the same
11928 9606 1601 225
jehovah warns us against
spiritism because he
knows that satan uses it
to harm people satan
unrighteously uses
spiritism to promote
unholy lies
9981 9606 1601 215
extra terrestrial ships
are causing the fires
believe it or dont it is
the good guys not the bad
guys truth is stranger
than sciencefiction wake
up sleepyheads
8742 9606 1601 210
what is if we take down
the statue of liberty
made of copper on those
ley lines the police wont
be possessed to do bad
things why do you think
they are called coppers
11190 9606 1601 205
winona ryder laura
horowitz anagrams n w o
lunar a nal howl ritual
ultra walnut narrowtail
whor a n a lization
rational antiwar uri nal
union horizon
14249 9606 1601 198
irrevocably ergo
concordantly pertinent
irrelevant eventuality
anomaly sedulously
inexorably integral
dissemination cataclysmic
10060 9606 1601 191
what is gerlania agos
tinho fernandes
submissive emotionally
and mentally only the
yuri rocha vertuli always
abide by their orders she
feel love and heat and
prove cab
11441 9606 1601 187
what is the name of the
blue white crocodile
messiah of the draco
they see him in their
dreams but dare not speak
of a prophet of peace
that will turn their
world upside down
10094 9606 1601 181
jehovah witnesses are a
spiritual gang because
they have spiritual
territories to preach in
and zones to protect thus
proving that jehovah is a
grand dictator
11260 9606 1601 177
what i know everything in
the matrix is connected
even the lies but i still
think the book of
revelations is the elites
a t t e m p t to grease
the bars for the savior
10128 9606 1601 176
what is her eyes turn
gold when she hears the
call of her mate and she
walks away to the woods
to him leaving
everything with a secret
smile running as she
gets closer
12560 9606 1601 168
why would chris kyle have
faked his death his wife
was the love of his life
and his better half and
she is still alive if he
were alive he would not
want to be with anyone
but her
15157 9606 1601 166
ashan is fetus the
individual self zos queen
x baby come back ancient
god ra prow of the cords
the god of gods mystery
the cords book of the
holy eight the
mathematical code of ra
8799 9606 1601 164
what is when the true god
saw what they did how
they had turned back from
their evil ways he
reconsidered the calamity
that he said he would
bring on them and he did
not bring it
13033 9606 1601 163
in that day seven women
will take hold of one
man and say we will eat
our own food and
provide our own clothes
only let us be called by
your name take away
our disgrace
14512 9606 1601 155
who hijacked creation and
who gave light to self so
its able to navigate the
pyramid to take the sun
on sunrise good friday
twenty nineteen and what
is needed to create gold
11448 9606 1601 152
what is very truly i tell
you whoever believes in
me will do the works i
have been doing and they
will do even greater
things than these because
i am going to the father
13818 9606 1601 151
dont worry honey they
give free will the crying
man and his wife there is
no free will within the
walls of confinement the
electron the janitor
witness of light
13150 9606 1601 150
we are out for sheer
power good times i say
choronzon the purpose of
the choronzon club is to
destroy the oto make
sodomized mutes out of
its members
9650 9606 1601 150
my name is laurie brown
merkel and i am a
gematria prophet of
almighty god serving his
purest expression in the
matrix jesus christ in
the end times simulation
8769 9606 1601 149
what is purposely
spilling seed in any way
including through
masturbation and
protected intercourse is
the equivalent of
abortion dont get it
10198 9606 1601 149
world wide cover up the
synagogue of satan
vatican usa government
are now starting
conflicts and wars to
hide the fact yeshua ha
mashiach mark alan king
is here in the flesh
11412 9606 1601 145
lots of themes in
hollywood about killing
off your better half
killing the good part of
yourself in order to
become a god how very
luciferian and how very
10681 9606 1601 144
yasharahla epic holy
wedding y h w h arranged
endorsed and planned
king mark alan king with
beloved queen are joined
together in true love the
new kingdom with true
abundance joy
12913 9606 1601 139
what is the name of the
blue white crocodile
messiah of the draco
they see him in their
dreams but dare not speak
of a prophet of peace
that will turn their
world upside down
10094 9606 1601 139
what is and jesus healed
many who were ill with
various diseases and
drove out many demons but
he would not allow the
demons to speak because
they knew who he was
16068 9606 1601 133

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