How Do U Know if You Are Transgender

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While there may be biological differences in the brains of transgender and cisgender people, there nevertheless isn't any simple examination to take to say if the gender you were assigned at birth is correct. Nonetheless, with some soul-searching and a little help from the experts, you tin find the identity that suits you best. If you are seriously questioning your gender identity, get in touch with your feelings and embrace your uncertainty. Talk to a advisor who specialized in gender identity so that you accept someone to support you through the process. Remember that in that location are many means to identify, and the about of import affair is to figure out what you desire.[one]

  1. 1

    Acknowledge that yous are curious. If y'all are seriously wondering whether or not you might be transgender, you're probably not fully gender conforming. This doesn't necessarily mean that you are transgender, merely it could. It may too mean that you lot are gender variant in another style.[2]

    • Ask yourself why you are curious. If it's persistent discomfort with your assigned gender, or attraction to the image of yourself as a different gender, y'all may be transgender.
    • Consider the possibility that your gender is nonbinary: if you don't experience like you are exactly a human being or a woman, you could be something else.
    • If you lot feel comfortable with your assigned gender but you notice yourself acting out of pace with other cisgender people, that doesn't necessarily hateful you're transgender. Y'all could just be a feminine human, or a masculine woman.
    • Go on in mind that being transgender is non the same as beingness transsexual. Transsexual is an older term used to describe people who accept taken medical steps to permanently change their physical sex. Some transgender people may use hormones and even accept surgery, but not all practice.[3]
  2. ii

    Think nigh your childhood desires. Many transgender people showed potent signs of gender dissatisfaction as children. Persistent desires lasting more half-dozen months are often understood as a sign of gender dysphoria. Signs include:[4]

    • Insisting you are non the gender your parents say you lot are.
    • Thinking y'all will abound up to exist a gender other than your assigned one.
    • Casting yourself as another gender during imagination games.
    • Dressing upwards, or wanting to dress, in vesture associated with this gender.
    • Preference for friends of this gender.
    • Strong desire to participate in group activities, games, and pastimes typical of this gender.
    • Rejection of gendered toys that correspond with your assigned gender.
    • Dislike of your own beefcake and/or genitalia.
    • Feeling sadness, fear, confusion, embarrassment, acrimony, or other emotions.


  3. three

    Ask yourself if you lot identify with your social function. Many transgender people experience alienated from the role they are asked to play in lodge. Ask yourself if you feel alienated from the things you lot are asked to do with other people of your gender. When yous are asked to do something stereotypical of your assigned gender, exercise you feel like you are beingness put in the wrong box?[five]

    • Notice how you feel when you are with a group of people of your assigned gender. If y'all feel different, or like you are passing for one of them but are not actually one of them, you lot may be experiencing dysphoria.
  4. 4

    Observe how your given proper name and pronouns brand you feel. Think well-nigh the way you feel when you hear yourself referred to by your given pronoun. If you feel misidentified, it may be that yous are due for a change of pronoun.[6]

    • If you lot dread being addressed as "sir" or "ma'am," information technology may be that that term does non suit you.
    • Come across how you feel when you are in a group and someone refers to you lot as "ladies" or "gentlemen."
    • Notice if your name feels like the wrong one. If information technology does experience right, question whether you think of it every bit a "girls" proper name or a "boys" name.
    • How practice you experience when someone accidentally calls you by the pronoun of the so-chosen opposite gender? If information technology feels comfortable or gratifying, yous may be transgender.
  5. 5

    Recognize body dysphoria. A common experience among transgender people is the sense of their body beingness incorrect in some way. Some transgender people report feeling "trapped" inside their bodies. If you have a persistent desire to modify your sexual characteristics, you may exist experiencing dysphoria.[7]

    • If the experience of puberty came as a daze or a trauma, this may be dysphoria. Try to recall if you lot were upset past the acquisition of secondary sex characteristics (deepened phonation, breast development, broadened shoulders, facial hair, the onset of period)?
    • If y'all avert mirrors, getting your flick taken, or hide your trunk in layers of vesture, and so this may likewise bespeak that y'all have some trunk dysphoria.


  1. ane

    Find a skilful gender therapist. There are many psychologists, counselors, and social workers who specialize in gender variance. These experts tin help you lot ask and reply your big questions.

    • Wait for counselors who specialize in gender identity, gender dysphoria, or LGBT concerns.
    • If there is a transgender health clinic in your area, contact them to run across if they have any available therapists.
    • If you live in the U.s., y'all can use the American Psychologist Clan locator to detect a psychologist who specializes in questions of gender identity:
    • In the Great britain, consider contacting the Beaumont Society for a reference:
    • You tin can also ask your medico for a recommendation, or visit a counselor at your school if you are in high schoolhouse or college.
  2. 2

    Talk to gender variant and questioning people. Get in impact with people who have transitioned, or people who are questioning their gender. Some places y'all might look include LGBTQ run across upwardly groups, customs centers, and events. If you are in school, consider visiting any educatee groups such as an LGBTQ grouping or a Gay Straight Alliance. You don't have to come out correct abroad; just say y'all are an ally, or explain that you are questioning simply you lot aren't comfortable talking near it just yet.

    • Not everyone you meet will desire to talk near their gender! Some people may feel exposed if yous ask them personal questions. You tin can mention your own questions, and if they inquire yous questions yous can ask in return.
    • If you're not sure, write them or notice a individual moment to inquire. You might say, "I've been thinking a lot most my own gender identity, and you are someone who might know about some of the questions I am having. If y'all ever have the time and energy, I would dear to talk to you lot about this. Please feel free to say no."
  3. 3

    Explore online forums. A dandy way to connect with other gender variant and questioning people is to look online. Consider joining a group on social media, or an anonymous forum. When yous collaborate with people online, make sure to conceal your personal information.

    • Check out a general LGBTQ forum like:
    • If you are 13-24 years old, you can bring together TrevorSpace for a safety, monitored forum: https://world wide
    • You can also look into organizations similar PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and GLAAD to find resources and support for yourself and your family.[8] [9]


  1. 1

    Give yourself the option of identifying as a binary trans person. If you think you may exist a trans man or a trans adult female, requite it a try to see how you experience. Consider setting aside a weekend in which you lot think of yourself equally that gender. If y'all are sharing these questions with a friend, a therapist, or a family fellow member, tell them your plans and inquire for their support.[10]

    • Try out other pronouns. See how you experience when you refer to yourself with pronouns other than those you lot were assigned. If you remember you lot might be a trans adult female, phone call yourself "she" and "her," and inquire a confidant to practice the same.
  2. ii

    Consider gender diversity. There are and then many means of expressing a gender across "man" and "adult female." You may be gender variant, agender, bigender, or something else entirely. There'southward no need to squeeze yourself into a box if that box doesn't fit you.[eleven]

    • Try using "they/them" pronouns. If you don't experience like a "he" or a "she," or if you are looking for a way to communicate your gender variance to others, try gender neutral pronouns.
    • Keep in mind that you tin accept your time to make this decision, or you may decide that you do not want to make a option at all. Don't allow other people force per unit area you about choosing.

    Practiced TIP

    Alex Keller

    Alex Keller

    Community Expert

    Alex Keller is a transgender man. He has worked extensively on wikiHow's LGBT+ topics and articles.

    Alex Keller

    Alex Keller
    Community Proficient

    It's OK to have your fourth dimension. Alex Keller tells united states of america: "Initially, I thought maybe I was genderfluid, because I felt pretty feminine for a guy. Then after a while, I realized I wasn't having days where I switched genders. There were just some days where I felt a lilliputian more feminine than others. Turns out I'g simply a feminine guy."

  3. 3

    Wearing apparel to express yourself. Experiment with wear until you detect a way of dressing that feels right to you lot. If you are strongly drawn to certain clothing, wear it. For instance, if you were assigned male just you always wanted to wear dresses, go for it. You'll acquire a lot from how it feels to article of clothing whatever you want.[12]

    • If you experience genderqueer, experiment with an androgynous look, or mix and match gendered clothing.
  4. 4

    Consider other ways to affirm your gender. Whatever gender you identify with, there isn't any i way to affirm information technology. Ask yourself what you want: what would make you lot feel the nearly yourself? Get over these questions with a advisor if you lot are feeling dislocated.

    • Consider irresolute your name.
    • Think about asking others to call you past different pronouns, such equally she/her, he/him, or they/them.
    • Come out to people in your life if y'all experience safe doing then. You lot tin come up out as transgender or tell people you are questioning your gender.
    • Think almost your body. Would y'all like information technology to be more feminine or masculine? You might cut or grow your hair, have hormones, go top or bottom surgery, or change nothing at all.


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    At what age do you know you're transgender?

    Alex Keller

    Alex Keller
    Customs Practiced

    Alex Keller is a transgender human being. He has worked extensively on wikiHow's LGBT+ topics and articles.

    Alex Keller

    Community Expert

    Skilful Answer

    It can vary person-to-person. I really came to understand when I was in middle school. I was constantly unhappy and I had no idea why. I realize at present a lot of it was due to the fact that I was starting puberty. My body was releasing hormones, and when I started getting a effigy, I didn't want to look at myself. In eighth grade, I tried to push myself into beingness kind of girly, but eventually came across this blog for transgender and nonbinary teens. It was the general idea of, 'If I don't feel like a daughter, I don't have to telephone call myself a girl.' That clicked pretty much immediately.

  • Question

    How practise I know if I have gender dysphoria?

    Alex Keller

    Alex Keller
    Community Expert

    Alex Keller is a transgender human. He has worked extensively on wikiHow's LGBT+ topics and articles.

    Alex Keller

    Community Expert

    Practiced Answer

    You may notice problems in how you view yourself afterwards you start puberty. Going through the wrong puberty can be really tough. I call back in sixth grade, I got my kickoff period, and everyone was talking near how peachy of an event it was — how I was turning into this beautiful young woman — merely when I realized I had gotten information technology, I nearly fainted and cried. When y'all get through the wrong puberty, everything is very traumatic. You want to hide it and pretend it'southward not happening, merely you can't.

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  • Make sure to take good intendance of yourself. Beingness transgender can be extremely stressful, so it is important to make plenty of time for yourself. Do things that you enjoy and spend time just relaxing notwithstanding you lot similar to, such as by taking a bubble bath, getting a massage, going for long walks, or meditating.

  • If yous're AFAB - assigned female person at birth - and you're having trouble with the oil-and-water mix of your hips and men's jeans, try this: next time y'all can't do up a fly, zip information technology up as far every bit you can and claw the push at the summit with a hair elastic. You can also take a safety pin and put it through the hole on the fly'southward zipper tab, then adhere it to the elastic. So long every bit your shirt falls down over your fly expanse, you're good to go!

  • If you lot think you are transgender, and so act like it and do your best to explain. If you sometimes experience you are a girl and sometimes you experience like a boy, human activity similar whatever you experience like at the moment.

  • Remember to take your fourth dimension. Figuring out your gender is a process that tin can accept a while, then don't stress to figure everything out really apace.

  • You may not take had dysphoria since you were a kid. This is fine and you tin can still be trans. Many transgender people repress or don't recognize dysphoria every bit a child.


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Commodity Summary X

If you want to know if you're transgender, think about how your given proper name and pronouns make you lot experience. For example, run into if yous feel similar your name is wrong because it's too much like a "daughter" or "male child" name. You tin also observe whether you hate being addressed equally "sir" or "ma'am." Since torso dysphoria, or the sense of your body being incorrect in some fashion, is a mutual feel for transgender people, consider if you experience "trapped" in your body. You can also reflect on whether your sex activity characteristics like your deep vocalism, breasts, facial hair, or menstruation upset you. If y'all demand more support while figuring out your gender identity, check out LGBTQ groups at your school or in your community. For more advice from our co-author on understanding body dysphoria, read on!

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