How Could You Not Know Always Sunny

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Ronald "Mac" McDonaldis a co-possessor and the bouncer/babysitter of Paddy's Pub and generally the pub's most active director. He is roommates with his all-time friend from high schoolhouse, Dennis Reynolds, and has been best friends with Charlie Kelly since childhood. Mac is a member of The Gang, considering himself to exist the "brains" of the functioning, even though with those muscles, he is definitely the brawn.

Mac gets upset at injustices but will pounce on any opportunity he sees as a off-white run a risk to blindside or brand money. He was proud of his body and weight gain during season 7, and is secretly ashamed of returning to his regular size.

Mac is portrayed past Rob McElhenney.

In season 11 Mac came out as gay only become back in the closet after in the same episode. As of season 12 Mac came out equally gay and has since remained out.


  • 1 Concrete appearance
  • two Personality
    • Cocky-paradigm
    • 2.2 Position in the Gang
    • 2.3 Organized religion
    • 2.four Sexuality
  • 3 Abilities
  • four Weaknesses
  • 5 Early on life
  • 6 Appearances
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Relationships
    • 8.i Bangs
  • 9 Encounter also

Physical advent [ ]

Mac claims to work out at the gym all the time. ("Charlie Has Cancer")

Nevertheless, he only works out his "glamour muscles" (bis and tris) and lacks core strength. ("The World Series Defense")  He is also not athletic in any sense: when he wins a contest to take a shot at a Philadelphia Flyers game, it's revealed that not only tin can he not play hockey at all, he can't actually ice skate either and has a very stiff posture that is difficult for him to break. ("Mac'southward Big Break")​​​​​

Mac usually wears sleeveless shirts or tight tees to depict attention to his glamour muscles and to exhibit his "tribal" tattoos. ("Charlie Wants An Abortion") The tattoos are a dragon on his correct forearm, a leaf on his right bicep, and an eagle on his left. He too seems to have a four leafage clover tattoo on his right thigh. ("Charlie Got Molested") By season thirteen he has begun the procedure of removing his tattoos and by flavour 15 his four leaf clover is the just one that remains, to the disdain of the gang. When they demand he get rid of it, he threatens to get a 2nd i on his left thigh. ("The Gang Carries a Corpse Up a Mountain")

Mac's T-shirts usually accept an ironic slogan on the front and are occasionally worn with a long-sleeved thermal underneath. His most iconic shirts are a purple T-shirt with "Detroit" stylized equally a smoking gun, a black "Anarchism" T-shirt (also seen in grey), and a variety of obnoxious, colorful Hawaiian shirts, which are his main look in seasons 7 and fifteen peculiarly. Completing the ensemble is a pair of navy blueish Dickies slacks and worn-out combat boots; both take been with him from the very beginning and, while genuinely durable and in line with Mac's desire to await "badass", are rather bulky and restrictive items of clothing that make Mac's supposed feats of agility and athleticism all the more than difficult.

. Occasionally he will wearable a battered leather blazer or a long leather squeegee. Mac maintains a low-cal beard and mustache, though in Season vii grows information technology out bushy and in Season 8 goes with only a v o'clock shadow. He often slicks his hair back, similar his father Luther's. His formal attire appears to normally be a blackness polo shirt with a tie.

A major plotline during Season seven was Mac's sudden, and quite dramatic, weight proceeds. Mac claimed that he was "cultivating mass", but anybody else, correctly, saw him as only getting fat. Nonetheless, Mac seemed to truly believe that his weight gain was muscle, not fat. He has lost the weight again, and in the Season Eight premiere, Mac says that his "sudden and unfortunate" weight loss is putting Paddy's in jeopardy because information technology might hinder his power to do his job as head of security. (The Gang assures him that they don't feel any less condom than they did when he was fat.)

It is revealed that the reason for Mac'south weight loss is that Dennis has been giving him "Mexican ephedra" pills, which caused him to lose his appetite, and telling Mac that they were "size pills". ("The Gang Gets Analyzed")

By the time of Flavour thirteen Mac has get ripped. ("The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again")

Personality [ ]

Mac comes from a cleaved home; his male parent Luther was an incarcerated meth dealer, and his female parent was extremely apathetic. He is highly aggressive, often quick to brainstorm shouting and threaten physical violence. He once got a knife-wielding meth caput to back off later on he sternly told him to "requite the states a infinitesimal" while arguing with Dennis ("Hundred Dollar Baby"). He'southward frightened even Dennis with his rage when, in Mac'south optics, he was just simply responding to Dennis' light banter. ("The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award") In a therapy session, Mac admitted to feeling a large range of emotions in quick succession. ("The Gang Gets Analyzed") Mac as well comes out as gay in the sixth episode of the twelfth flavor. ("Hero or Hate Crime?")

Self-image [ ]

Mac is obsessed with being tough and looking similar a badass. Mac constantly seeks acceptance of his parents, simply his over-earnest efforts make him come off as an asshole ("Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sexual practice Offender"). He has a series of project badass videos that involve him doing various stunts to brand him look tough, badass, or like a daredevil ("Mac's Banging the Waitress")​​​​​. Mac often strives to appear "hard," usually to impress his father or friends. In reality, though, he is a coward.

Mac is highly competitive and is unable to control his competitiveness ("The Gang Gets Farthermost: Dwelling house Makeover Edition"). For example, when he learned that Charlie and the McPoyle brothers were peradventure sexually molested by their—and Mac'south—elementary schoolhouse gym instructor, he feels rejected and worries that he is somehow inferior for having not been molested himself. He proceeds to research why he didn't get molested, stating that, "If the McPoyles got diddled, and Charlie got blown, then why didn't I become blown?". ("Charlie Got Molested")

Mac is jealous of other people'south success. Although he seeks his friends' acceptance, Mac takes special pleasure in undermining, physically harming, contradicting, and publicly belittling Sweet Dee at every possible opportunity.

Mac is easily flattered and manipulated, especially if complimented about his body or his fighting skills. He had had an ongoing sexual relationship with a pre-op trans adult female named Carmen, largely because she was so adept at flattering him most his buff body ("Charlie Has Cancer"). He claimed that he was just "putting in time" as he waited for her surgery. ("Mac Is a Series Killer")

Due to his inflated and fragile self-epitome, Mac is riddled with insecurities and oft places peachy pressure level on himself to look superior or not fail at anything. Consequentially, when given an unwanted position, he will endeavour to utilise it to glamourise himself, such equally, when beingness forced to referee the Gang'southward drinking challenge in "The Gang Beats Boggs" due to losing a chugging competition, Mac immediately convinces himself the Gang made him "Bud Selig", despite being repeatedly told that "no one did", and takes his refereeing duties far too seriously, to the point that Charlie tries to calm him down. In "The Gang Goes To Hell", thinking he has "failed" at a game, he gets extremely emotional and produces a cat-o-nine-tails for someone to shell him with "so [he] tin can exist a better male child", implying he punishes himself harshly for every perceived failure.

At one betoken described by Dennis equally being "in consummate denial about absolutely every aspect of his life", Mac is the most openly self-delusional of the Gang, clinging to various fantasies about being tough, badass, a proficient Catholic, directly (until season 12), and, in particular, loved by his cold and exploitative father. Whenever anything happens to puncture these cocky-deceptions, he immediately twists or rationalizes his perception of them to fit with his view of himself and the world.

Notwithstanding, despite being incredibly out of touch on with reality, Mac is surprisingly reasonable and quite maybe the near normal member of the Gang, due to not being every bit cunning and manipulative every bit Dennis and Dee, equally twisted as Frank or as strange and foolish every bit Charlie. By Season 12, he's come to terms with his sexuality, tones down his religious preaching, gives an impassioned and sensible argument confronting detest spoken communication, is horrified at Frank killing innocent children in their VR game, is often the source of sensible advice, has the emotional sensibility to requite Dennis a Valentine, and is willing to be a dad to Dennis' hush-hush kid. Season 13 also shows this, every bit Mac showed that he believes the best mode to avoid sexual harassment charges is to stop sexually harassing people, something the balance of the gang seem to disagree with.

Position in the Gang [ ]

Like Dennis, Mac sees himself as superior to the rest of The Gang and often attempts to show his supremacy. For instance, in an effort to impress Charlie and Dennis, he makes a series of "Projection Badass" videotapes that consist of various idiotic stunts; however, the pair believes that Mac is only trying to "blindside" them. ("Mac'south Banging the Waitress")​​​​​

Mac sees himself as the boss in about situations and the gang constantly complains about his bossiness.

From "Mac Day" onward, the Gang seems consistently annoyed past Mac and make regular mention of how they detest him, due to his bossiness, religious pride, hypocritical homophobia, and desperate neediness. However, Dee allows him to stay in her apartment with Dennis, and Dennis never once tries to finish being roommates with him during this time, although living for a month in the suburbs with him finally collection him to take a tearing hatred of Mac.

When Mac comes out of the closet for good in "Hero or Hate Criminal offence?", the Gang agrees that they're happy for him despite hating him, and earlier told him that they won't like him whether he's in or out of the closet. Later that episode, though, everyone seems to treat Mac nicer due to his beingness more honest with himself, even chanting for him only for walking into the bar in "The Gang Tends Bar". Dennis is too driven to tears when Mac gives him his first Valentine's gift but is still clearly common cold and dismissive of him and his emotions in "Dennis' Double Life" (as Mac assumed they would share a bedroom in their refurbished flat).

In "The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again", the remainder of the Gang tells Cindy that the all-time way to handle Mac's neediness is to ignore it "like you would a babe", and all uncomfortably avert answering Mac's "you lot guys like me, right?" He continues to earn the Gang'southward ire by continuing his needy and delusional behaviors, though Frank comes to sympathise Mac's struggles in a much deeper and sympathetic manner in "Mac Finds His Pride". This gang dynamic more or less persists until flavour fifteen in which it is noticeably downplayed.

Religion [ ]

A Catholic, Mac is the only fellow member of The Gang to profess a religious faith. In "The Gang Exploits A Miracle", Mac fears that the Lord will bear witness his wrath if they continue to exploit the water stain in the bar. Throughout the serial, Mac refuses to wear a prophylactic during sexual practice, because as he explains to Charlie he went to Catholic school. Though Mac seems to intendance more well-nigh problems such equally ballgame, community activism, and parenting than the rest of The Gang, his views on such subjects are invariably twisted, ignorant, or prejudiced, and his deportment regarding them are e'er hypocritical and selfish. For instance, afterward pretending to be doggedly pro-life in order to attract a female activist, Mac later tells her to become an ballgame when he thinks she has become pregnant by him. In another case involving the transgender woman Carmen, Mac discovers that she has married and had the operation to remove her penis. He then belittles Carmen and her husband past quoting the Bible to them and calling them "gay"; yet he only reacts then considering he expected Carmen to call him once she had the operation and so they could engagement again.

Sexuality [ ]

Mac prefers not to utilize condoms, fifty-fifty when he'southward having sex with people he doesn't know. ("Mac Is a Series Killer") He only reluctantly agrees to wear a rubber with the Waitress in "Mac's Banging the Waitress". There is much prove that Mac is harboring 1 or more than STDs. ("The Gang Gets Whacked (Part 1)")

While continuing his charade as a heterosexual in earlier seasons, Mac seemed to have a thing for older women. He had sex with Dennis and Dee's mom, Barbara Reynolds, later on proverb it was the all-time sex activity of his life. ("Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom")​​​ He besides expressed involvement in Barbara's sister, Aunt Donna. ("The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention"). This as well might be due to his lower intelligence, and Barbara Reynolds'southward successful seduction of Mac while attempting to make Frank jealous. Having been described as a 'whore' many times (almost exclusively past Frank), it would make sense that Mac had fallen hands to her whims. Having felt a confidence in someone reaching out to him, he also may take been interested in Aunt Donna hoping that she would comport the same as Barbara.

Mac is shown to take extremely low standards when it comes to trying to sleep with women. He claimed to Charlie that they could get quite lucky at Maureen Ponderosa'due south nuptials to Liam McPoyle, patently having no event attempting to sleep with whatsoever of the McPoyle women. ("The Maureen Ponderosa Hymeneals Massacre")

Mac places sex activity above friendship, and has betrayed his two best friends by dating or having sex activity with women very important to them:

  • In loftier school, Mac had sex with Dennis' prom date and blamed it on Tim Murphy. ("The High School Reunion, Part 2: The Gang's Revenge")​​​​​
  • Later, Mac started secretly dating the Waitress despite Charlie'southward obsession with her. ("Mac's Banging the Waitress")​​​​​

Throughout the first 11 seasons, in that location were many insinuations that Mac was a closeted gay man; this was manifested by his obsession with men's physiques and his reactionary religious views on homosexuality. It is also implied that he might be in love with Dennis. He did not come up out until season 12.

Some examples of Mac exhibiting behaviors or saying things that hinted at or confirmed his homosexuality:

  • In the season 3 episode "The Gang Dances Their Asses Off", Mac challenges Dennis to a dance-off. During the dance-off, Mac gets on his knees and bobs his head in front of Dennis's groin.
  • In the final scene of the season 4 episode "Mac'southward Banging the Waitress" Charlie says to Dennis, "Do you still become the feeling he wants to bang us? That's what this is all about" after Mac tries to demonstrate how "badass" he is by falling from the roof onto a pile of mattresses after lighting fireworks taped to his jacket that fails to ignite.
  • In the season 5 episode "The Globe Serial Defense", Mac exhibits an obsession with Philadelphia Phillies player Chase Utley and Dee reads aloud his "love letter" to Utley.
  • In the season 5 episode "Mac and Dennis Break Up",
  • In the Flavor vi finale, "Dee Gives Nativity", as Charlie and Mac discuss the fact that one of the possible fathers of Dee's babe is Rex, Mac calls Rex a "quality lay".
  • In episode 2 of season viii, "The Gang Recycles Their Trash" Mac makes an attempt to kiss Dennis following a rally with Charlie and themselves.
  • Also in season eight, in "Charlie Rules the World", Charlie asks Mac to sentry Dee while Charlie goes and meets an online girl in person, to which Mac insinuates he'd similar to meet any of her friends if they're fat or ugly or sick. Charlie then replies with a 'yes, sure, if they're ugly or sick or male person or female, whatever it is that you like'. Mac simply shrugs.
  • In "The Gang Dines Out", Mac intentionally inserts a dollar bill into a waiter's back pocket in society to feel his behind.
  • In the season 9 episode "Mac Mean solar day" Charlie says, "I know nosotros've never said this as a group, just Mac's gay," to which the rest of The Gang agrees readily. Also equally part of Mac Mean solar day, Mac forces The Gang to oil male bodybuilders, which gives him an erection. He as well gets an erection in the episode when he is preaching to The Gang virtually the wrongs of homosexuality.
  • In that location are two highly homoerotic scenes in Lethal Weapon half dozen that lead a hedge-fund manager they show the movie to call it a "gay porno". In a scene that immediately follows, where Riggs and Murtaugh go to a strip club, Mac obviously stares at Dennis' lap at i point, apparently checking if he has an erection.("The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon six")
  • In "The Gang Group Dates", a customer asks Dee for a drink in which she replies saying," get ask ane of the other ones, the dirty one or the gay one." Dennis later mentions how Mac tells himself he'due south "tough, and straight", to which Mac replies, "I am tough!"
  • In "Mac Kills His Dad", Mac tries to testify his dad's innocence in equally a murder suspect. Charlie agrees to go to along with him, along with as he doesn't enquire to put stuff in their butts once more. Mac says he'll do it this time to which Charlie replies "well, you'll probably enjoy it more".
  • Mac meets a girl 'Dusty' at a club and introduces them to the gang with a speech communication alluding to his homosexuality and with the implication that Dusty is a man. Once it is revealed otherwise, the gang question Mac on it. Confused, he but says that he was giving Dennis '10s' and he decided he was sick of it and wanted to go for a '10'. Later the gang goes to the back office where they discover Mac has just been paying Dusty angel dust (PCP) to pretend to take sex activity with him because he couldn't get it up. He so denies this, claiming that she'southward "non fifty-fifty that hot." to which Dennis replies "she is very hot.". He agrees to go back if anybody agrees to forget everything that happened. ("The Gang Misses the Boat")
  • While at a strip club with Charlie, Charlie believes it to exist 2006 and tries to clarify that was when Mac was still into women, to which Mac but tiredly asks him to driblet it. ("Frank Falls Out the Window")
  • He refuses to talk about his "mission" at the Rainbow, a gay bar in Philly, despite having returned in a tight undershirt, covered in glitter, and searching for towels. ("Charlie Catches a Leprechaun")
  • While on a Christian prowl Mac is shocked to learn that in that location are ii gay men on the cruise, to which Charlie asks who the other ane is; Mac does not understand the joke. He later on attempts to "cure" the gay couple but instead is lured into their motel. He imprisons himself in the brig with the rest of the gang confessing "well, I'thousand gay" to no surprise from his friends. ("The Gang Goes to Hell") When he is rescued from the transport he immediately says it was a test from God and he'south not actually gay. ("The Gang Goes to Hell: Part Ii")
  • While "saving" his life afterward he picks upwards a lotto scratcher, a pianoforte about falls on him, Frank uses a gay slur to alert Mac, and Mac sees this as a detest crime. After going through iii arbitrators to dispute who has buying of said scratcher. Dennis reveals Mac's "bike", an elliptical bike that Mac modifies into an anal-fisting bike (the "Asspounder 4000"). The last arbitrator rules that Frank and Mac split the ticket l/50, because Frank had saved Mac, and it wasn't a hate criminal offence every bit Mac isn't gay. Mac realizes that the fashion to keep the whole ticket is to come out; he does and then, and wins the $ten,000 ticket. The gang states that Mac will and then take it back later on signing the official certificate, just Mac then decides "possibly I'll stay out". ("Hero or Detest Crime?")
  • After coming out, Mac refers to himself as gay multiple times throughout the rest of the season.

Abilities [ ]

Mac is extremely clean and very skillful at keeping his apartment extremely tidy. He even cleaned upward Charlie'south filthy apartment after he moved in with Charlie and Frank, afterwards Dennis kicked him out. ("Mac and Dennis Suspension Up")

Evidently, nobody "understands the subtleties of Charlie's retardation" like Mac does. ("The Gang Gets Held Earnest")

Oftentimes left with the duty of providing exposition of the gang'due south antics to unfamiliar parties, Mac believes he is a natural story-teller.("How Mac Got Fat") He is also able to requite a persuasive argument; he is able to make Charlie, a staunch atheist, as well every bit Frank and Dee (and possibly Dennis), incertitude the absoluteness of evolution, due to their faith in science, fossil records, and information existence similar to his faith in God and the Bible. ("Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense")

Though it takes him a considerable amount of time, Mac tin make some decent charts and graphs. ("Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defence")

At times, Mac has been shown to have decent physical force when he is non delusional almost the details of what he'south doing and how much stronger he believes he is. He was once able to score a real point in a karate match for blocking a hitting. ("Mac Day") Afterwards getting buff in flavor thirteen, Mac has shown greater physical forcefulness, as he was able to lift Dee by the crotch with one hand and concur her in the air for a few seconds before putting her downwards. ("Fourth dimension's Upwards for the Gang") ​​​

Mac performs a 5 minute interprative dance which he finishes past belongings his trip the light fantastic toe partner completely above his head for near 10 seconds. This feat leaves an audience of hardened prisoners completely awestruck and roused to a continuing ovation while it moves Frank to openly weep. ("Mac Finds His Pride")​​​

Along with Dennis and Dee, Mac has been shown to exist an first-class skier (though the rules are different on the mountain). ("The Gang Hits the Slopes")

When given the opportunity to explore it, Mac found he has a passion and talent for musical theatre. ("The Gang Goes to Hell")

Mac was able to completely refurbish his and Dennis' burnt down apartment, to the exact knick-knacks on their tabular array, showing that he has either an impeccable memory or talent for interior decoration. ("Dennis' Double Life")​​​


Weaknesses [ ]

Mac has a delusional belief in his abilities as a security professional. He thinks of himself every bit "The Sheriff of Paddy'due south" and believes he can achieve feats of strength, appraise strangers for security, and that he is highly skilled at combat. Despite this, Mac has fared poorly in physical altercations and feats of forcefulness:

  • Mac was vanquish up when he replaced Charlie and fought in a fight lodge. ("Hundred Dollar Baby")
  • Mac failed in his attempt to climb the exterior of Charlie'due south apartment building. ("The Globe Series Defense")
  • Mac was going to beat up Bruce Mathis in a fight, but ran away from him instead. ("Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad")
  • Mac attempted a roundhouse boot to the forepart window of a auto, but missed and kicked the driver's side mirror instead. ("Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia")​​​​​​
  • Mac does an "ocular patdown" of a hitchhiker and assessed him as safe; later, the hitchhiker steals Dee'due south car. ("The Gang Hits the Road")
  • When Mac and Charlie are stuck at the lesser of an abandoned swimming pool that they are trying to fix, Mac attempts to get out of the pool by doing a "backflip" out of it, scaling the wall, but he doesn't fifty-fifty come close to getting out. ("Mac and Charlie: White Trash")
  • Mac's "go out strategy" to exit of a luxury box the Gang has schemed their way into at a Phillies' game is to "bound off the balcony to safety".  When Dennis points out that it's a 50-pes drop, Mac says that he will be able to "tuck and curl" and thus survive the drop unscathed. ("Frank'southward Back in Business")​​​​​​
  • When Mac attempted to put Charlie in a chokehold, Charlie but went limp, and Mac promptly exhausted himself trying to keep Charlie held up, eventually passing out. ("Frank Retires")
  • When he was forced to enter a karate tournament, he was about immediately beaten to the footing (though he did score a unmarried betoken out of sheer luck).("Mac Day")

In a similar vein, Mac besides maintains a threat level cess for the bar. Ordinarily, the threat level is set to Orange, just Mac has upgraded the threat level to Xanthous. ("The Gang Solves the Democratic people's republic of korea Situation")

Mac has never won a chugging contest. ("Charlie Gets Crippled", "The Gang Beats Boggs")

He shows no regard for the police force and breaks it whenever he wants to. (Listing of crimes committed by the gang)

Mac often has trouble thinking upward of the correct word to convey his ideas, which Dennis is often more than glad to provide. ("Mac and Dennis Break Up")

Mac is also a poor typist. ("Mac and Charlie Write a Picture")

Mac has bad peripheral vision, due to his optics slanting downwards. ("The Gang Dines Out")

Mac probable has some blazon of cognitive disorder, every bit it was stated several times that he finds it difficult to follow movies.

Dennis Reynolds.

Early life [ ]

Mac was born on April 14, 1977, to Luther McDonald and Mrs. McDonald.

In Flavor 1, Mac was 28 years old - which ways he was born in 1977. ("Underage Drinking: A National Concern")

When Mac was young, his parents would break into houses with him on Christmas to steal presents. ("A Very Sunny Christmas")

Growing up, his all-time friend was Charlie. Every Christmas, they'd get together and throw rocks at trains. ("A Very Sunny Christmas")

Mac'south father is Luther Mac. At some point during his babyhood, Luther was sentenced to prison for dealing meth. ("Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender")

Dennis notes that Mac but survived high school by selling weed to popular kids, and fifty-fifty then was considered a jerk. He and Charlie would hang out in the latter'southward basement and huff glue, which Dennis found creepy. ("Underage Drinking: A National Concern")

In loftier school, Mac was called "Ronnie the Rat," due to his propensity for tattling. He narced on the previous weed dealer in order to go a foothold on dealing himself. He would hang out under the bleachers with Charlie and Dennis, and slept with Dennis' prom engagement. ("The High Schoolhouse Reunion")

Appearances [ ]

Episodes i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ix 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flavour 1
Season two
Season 3
Season iv
Flavor v
Season 6
Flavor 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Flavour 12
Season 13
Season 14

Trivia [ ]

  • Mac is a terrible dancer. ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off")
  • Mac has at least 2 gay cousins: Brett ("The Gang Gets Racist") and Land Mac .
  • When Mac was young, he had an invincible domestic dog named Poppins. ("Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down")​​​​​
  • Mac has merely two numbers in his phone - Charlie and Dennis. ("Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead")​​​​​
  • Mac originally introduces Mac's squeegee to the Gang. ("The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation")
  • Mac's total proper name was unclear for most of the start vii seasons. In the flavour four episode "The Gang Cracks the Freedom Bell", the Colonial-era Mac graphic symbol is referred to as "McDonald." In 7th Season "The High School Reunion", his full proper name is revealed to be "Ronald McDonald."
  • It was initially hinted that Mac's terminal name is simply, "Mac". On parole papers seen in "Mac and Charlie Die (Part 1)", Mac's father's proper noun is listed as "Luther Mac" and his mother is usually referred to as Mrs. Mac.
  • In the Flavor x episode "The Gang Goes On Family Fight", Mac introduces himself as "Ronald Reynolds", and says that Frank has adopted him. Whether this is indeed the case, or this is something they made up to get him on the testify, is unclear at this time. If this is true, that would make Dennis and Dee his step-siblings, Charlie his alleged step half-brother, and Dennis' son, Brian Jr., Mac's pace-nephew.
  • In the episode "Who Got Dee Meaning?", one of the McPoyle Brothers referred to Mac as "Macwell".
  • Mac often says his signature line, "What's up, bitches?", throughout the series.
  • In many episodes, Mac will enter the bar announcing "I've got news," or a variation on that basic thought, to set the episode's plot in motion. The others rarely share his enthusiasm, merely he usually convinces one of them to follow him, though often reluctantly. This was inverted in the beginning of "Chardee MacDennis", with the balance of the Gang, bored, hoping Mac volition bear witness up with news.
  • Mac keeps a karate trophy in his babyhood room - which is non weird at all: he plant it in the street. ("A Very Sunny Christmas")
  • Throughout the serial, Mac flashes his signature "puppy-canis familiaris wait" when he is ashamed or when he proposes something reprehensibly shameful.
  • Mac is one of the characters on the testify who utilise their name (or a variant of their name) as their stage name. Amid the other people who do this are Artemis and Charlie.
  • Mac had always considered for Paddy's to exist an "Irish gaelic Catholic bar". Hither is his full-of-righteous-anger question to the Gang: "Where's our goddamn Bible?!". ("Mac Fights Gay Marriage") Later, in "Sweet Dee Gets Audited", Mac stated it literally: "...we're an Irish Catholic bar".
  • Mac is not familiar with Stalin. ("Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass")​​​​​
  • Mac sometimes uses the alias Vic Vinegar. ("Frank'south Back in Business")
  • Despite being very religious, he breaks the "rules" of the Bible multiple times during the prove.
  • Mac's name has been used in the titles for multiple different episodes:
    • Flavour Two: "Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom"
    • Season Three: "Mac Is a Serial Killer"
    • Flavour Four: "Mac and Dennis: Manhunters", "Mac's Banging the Waitress", "Mac and Charlie Dice (Function 1)", "Mac and Charlie Die (Role two)"
    • Season Five: "Mac and Dennis Break Up", "Mac and Charlie Write a Flick"
    • Season Vi: "Mac Fights Gay Wedlock", "Mac's Big Pause". "Mac and Charlie: White Trash", "Mac's Mom Burns Her House Downwards"
    • Season Seven: "Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games", "How Mac Got Fatty"
    • Season Nine: "Mac and Dennis Buy a Timeshare", "Mac Solar day"
    • Flavor 10: "Mac Kills His Dad", "Ass Kickers United: Mac and Charlie Join a Cult"
    • Flavour Eleven: "Mac & Dennis Motion to the Suburbs"
    • Flavor 13: "Mac Finds His Pride"
  • Rob McElhenney, the actor who portrays Mac, is married to Kaitlin Olson, the actress who portrays Dee.
  • In the episode "Mac Fights Gay Marriage," Dennis kicks Mac out of their flat and tells him he doesn't own a unmarried affair in the entire flat. This is probable because previously, in the episode "Mac and Charlie Die (Part 2)" Dennis threw out all of Mac's belongings when he "thought Mac was dead." (It is later on discovered that he had really known Mac had faked his death the entire time).
  • Mac is left-handed.
  • Mac's favorite type of Gatorade is blueish. ("The Gang Goes to Hell: Office Two")
  • Mac is 5'9. ("Charlie Rules the World")
  • It is implied that the only thing Mac knows how to make is his "famous mac and cheese". ("The Gang Makes Paddy's Groovy Over again")
  • Mac is technically the merely fellow member of the Gang to physically appear in every episode, equally Frank is absent-minded in flavor i, he and Dee are absent in "Mac's Banging the Waitress" and "The Gang Cracks the Freedom Bell" (though they take one-time-timey counterparts), and everyone but Mac is but shown in flashbacks while he confesses in "How Mac Got Fat".
  • Mac is too the only fellow member of the Gang who has been a member of information technology since its introduction: Frank and Dee were not initially considered a part of it, Schmitty was kicked out twice while Charlie quit temporarily, and Dennis abandoned it to pursue fatherhood, only to render later and kick out his replacement Cindy. Mac was scheduled to be swapped out for his cousin, who suffered a fatal injury before this could be carried out.
  • Rob McElhenney revealed that Mac has been wearing the same gainsay boots since the beginning of the serial, and just owns one pair of navy bluish Dickies. He notes in the It's Always Sunny Podcast that flavour 2 is when they pinpointed them as his main attire, equally flavour ane Mac occasionally wear jeans and sneakers also.
    • While Rob maintains it's always been the same pair of pants that the wardrobe department alters, it can be seen from season 13 onward that the blue Dickies Mac wears are a different pair than earlier, as they are more slim fit and have an additional pocket on the back right thigh that was absent before. Mac'southward too worn a black pair in The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis, and on a few occasions wears navy blueish Dickie shorts (both actual shorts and pants cut into shorts).
    • Barring flavor 1, the simply episodes where his combat boots are completely absent are The Gang Gets Whacked: Function 2 (where he only wears his mob compatible's white sneakers), Mac and Charlie: White Trash (where he wears Converse high tops), and The Janitor Ever Mops Twice (in which he's in archetype moving picture noir shoes). All other episodes feature them if only briefly, such equally The Gang Goes to a Waterpark (they're but seen being quickly taken off and discarded pre-h2o slide). They're also absent-minded in The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies Reboot as Mac's merely briefly seen through Facetime, but 1 can assume he'due south in his usual attire.

Relationships [ ]

Run into also: Charlie and Mac, Dennis and Mac, Mac and Dee, Mac and Frank

Bangs [ ]

Mac has banged the post-obit people:

  • Megan - a pro-life woman who tests Mac'southward sincerity against ballgame after a protest at a Planned Parenthood edifice. ("Charlie Wants an Ballgame")
  • Barbara Reynolds - Dennis and Dee's Mom. ("Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom")​​​​​
  • Z-Human being'south sister and Sully's sister - Mac banged both of their sisters, and so he couldn't invite them to his party at Dennis' new firm. ("Dennis and Dee'south Mom Is Expressionless")​​​​​
  • Carmen - A trans woman who Mac on-and-off dated. ("Mac Is a Serial Killer")
  • Dominique and Tabitha - model contestants in "America'southward Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Competition" (they as well banged each other and let Mac watch).
  • The Waitress - paw stuff only with intent to blindside. ("Mac's Banging the Waitress")
  • Numerous unnamed leftovers from the DENNIS System using the MAC system (Motility-in After Completion). ("The D.E.N.N.I.Southward. System")
  • Margaret McPoyle - shown in a flashback of the Halloween the yr before, and once more to get "bombshell" information from her. ("Who Got Dee Significant?") ("McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century")
  • Dennis's prom appointment. ("She was gross.") ("The Loftier Schoolhouse Reunion")
  • A Dennis sex doll, equally well as a three fashion/orgy between himself, the doll, Charlie, and Frank while Dee watched. ("The Gang Makes Paddy'southward Groovy Once more")
  • Unnamed priest. ("Paddy's Has a Jumper")
  • Ane confirmed instance of taking three men at once. ("The Gang's Still in Ireland")

Come across also [ ]

  • Mac'southward duster
  • Mac's apartment
  • Project Badass
Mac in It'due south Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Family unit Mrs. McDonald • Luther McDonald • Mac
Relationships Dennis • Dee • Charlie • Frank
Other Dennis and Mac'south apartment • Paddy'southward Pub


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